A Health Coach is a professional ally, someone who is in your corner, who really understands and supports you. They can help you to identify changes to your diet and lifestyle that would benefit your health and wellbeing, and then support you to achieve these changes.
As a Naturopathic Health Coach, and someone with lived experience of chronic illness and pain, I have a wealth of knowledge about diet and lifestyle changes that could benefit different conditions and different people, and I can share all of this with you. However, it is not my job to tell you what to do! At the end of the day, we are all individuals, and you will know your own body and your own needs best. So, a health coach is not there to judge you, criticise you (or beat you with a stick!) I can teach you what I know about diet and lifestyle, and natural ways to support the body when we live with illness, but I am ultimately there to help you to identify the changes that YOU want to make, and then support you to make them.
You are the expert on yourself, and you already know what you need, or at least, your body already knows what it needs! Our bodies are amazing and resilient, given the right support and the right environment. Sometimes we just need some help to tap into our own inner wisdom and then find the courage to do what we need to do for ourselves.
And that’s where I come in! I am an expert in supporting people to get in touch with themselves. I can teach you how to work with your body, rather than against it, and I can share with you the knowledge that you need to help you to understand what your body is REALLY asking for. Symptoms, pain, and emotions, are all messengers from the body, they are telling us something; sometimes, we just need a translator to help us to decode those messages and learn what are bodies are asking for. When we know that, we can give them what they need, and help them to thrive in the best way for us.
Health coaching is not a ‘magic wand’. I can’t cure illness or pain (sadly, or I would cure myself!) However, I have learned on my own health journey that we can make real breakthroughs in our health when we;
· really pay attention to our bodies and learn how to listen to them
· start giving our bodies more of what they need and less of what they don’t need
· understand how the different systems of our bodies work and how we can support them to function optimally
My aim is to support the people I work with to answer some of these questions and to help them to be as well as they can possibly be with their health condition.
I work within the CNM and UKIHCA Scope of Practice, and you can find out more here.
Webinar : The CNM Health Coach Course – Study Online or In Class (thehealthcoach.com)
DipCNM, Dip.Hyp, mNCIP, mANP,
So, if you already know what your body needs, why do you need a Health Coach? Well, we all know that change is hard! You only have to look at diet failure statistics to see this – according to research, 95% of dieters regain their lost weight within two years, and most end up putting on even more than they lost. Sometimes we know what we ought to do - eat less sugar, move more, eat more fruit and veg – but we can feel as though we are not in control of our choices. A combination of old habits, apathy, lack of motivation, fatigue, or physical limitations can keep us stuck in an unhealthy pattern.
Sometimes there are hidden factors at work that are undermining our best efforts. A food intolerance, a fungal overgrowth, a bacterial infection, systemic inflammation, imbalanced hormones, genetic factors or toxin burdens. As a health coach, I can’t ‘fix’ all of these things, but I can guide you on the journey to finding out if these are factors for you, and support you to make changes to manage these.
Maybe you have already worked with a health professional and had all the tests which have ruled out anything serious, but you still don’t feel ‘right’ and you are wondering what else might be going on? Working with Naturopathic principles, we can look together at possible root causes for your symptoms and how optimal health can be achieved through changes that conventional tests and treatments often overlook.
Psychologically, change is hard. There can be many factors that get in the way of us making the changes that we know are in our own best interests, and then maintaining those changes long-term. Sometimes, we feel helpless and as though we just don’t know where to start, or overwhelmed by the task in front of us. Maybe we know what we don’t want, but not what we do want. This can be especially true when we live with chronic illness, and are battling pain, fatigue and brain fog on a daily basis. Sometimes we can feel as though we are engaged in a futile, never-ending battle with ourselves and our bodies, which never gets us anywhere. Sometimes we are sabotaged by habits and autopilot, negative self-talk or unhelpful beliefs and emotional pain, and these either prevent us from taking those first steps, or trip us up half way along the path.
I have studied not only nutrition and health coaching, but mindfulness and psychotherapy, and I can utilise all of these modalities to help people make the best choices about their own health and wellbeing. I work in partnership with my clients, offering individualised support that is tailored to their unique needs.
If you are living with chronic illness or pain and you would like some help to live better and thrive in spite of your illness; if you have health goals that you are struggling to reach, or you just want to find out more about how to support your body and live well, then why not get in touch and book a free ‘discovery call’ to find out more.
I offer a free initial discovery call to enable us to find out whether coaching is right for you. You can tell me a bit about your situation and we can discuss whether coaching might help.
Interested in 1:1 Coaching with me?
My 1:1 Starter Coaching Package consists of 6 initial sessions, where we will explore your health history in detail, and I will create a bespoke Health Recovery Framework for you, with specific actions to help you move forward with your health.
After the 6 initial sessions, you can continue your health journey by booking as many additional one-off sessions as required.
Total cost for the Starter Package of 6 hours is £400 per person (can be 3 installments)
3-Steps to kick-start your wellness journey! Book now!
Step 1
Book your FREE 30 minute Discovery Call, to find out if Health Coaching is right for you, and discuss your needs.
Step 2.
Book your 6 hour In-depth Health Discovery Consultations £400
This is where your health discovery journey begins. During these initial consultations, we will explore your health history in-depth, and look at the possible root causes of your current symptoms. We will discuss your overall health and wellbeing, including all aspects of your diet and lifestyle, and identify the priorities for us to work on in your bespoke 'Health Recovery Framework. I will share some of the key health changes that might help you, and together we will create your first health plan, with achievable steps that will start you on the path towards your health goals.
Step 3
Book additional, one-off sessions with me to continue your health journey as necessary.
One-off calls - £45 for 45 mins, £60 for 1 hour, £90 for 90 minutes (pre or post package add-on, not available as a stand-alone.)
Why are one-off sessions not available?
Making significant changes to our health takes time, and commitment. I can't help anyone to make a difference to their health or wellbeing in just one or two sessions. If you are going to see real benefits from this process, you need to be prepared to invest in long-term work, and that's where I can help you best. So, it is important that we work together over a period of time to help you to get where you want to be and achieve the results you want.
Payment and Cancellation Policy
Non-refundable deposit payable on booking, remainder of fee due 7 days prior to start date. Packages booked withing 7 days of start, full payment due at time of booking. Packages can be transferred to another start date within 3 months. Cancellation without transfer will incur the cost of the deposit, which will be non-refundable. Packages must be completed within 1 year.
Good nutrition and exercise support the body’s natural defences and resistance to disease. However, no claim can be made about the efficacy of health coaching.
• Health Coach advice will be tailored to support medically diagnosed conditions and/or health concerns agreed and identified by the two parties.
• Health Coaches are not permitted to diagnose or claim to treat medical conditions.
• Health Coach advice is not a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment.
• The client is responsible for contacting their medical doctor or specialist about any health concerns they may have.
• The client is responsible for advising their medical doctor of the heath coach protocol they are following.
• It is important that you tell your Health Coach about any medical diagnosis you have received any prescription medication, natural remedies, and supplements or over the counter medication you are taking as it may affect the health coach programme.
• If you are unclear about any part of your health coaching plan, then you should contact your health coach immediately for clarification. Your Health coach programme will have a time frame and you should not continue with recommendations outside of this unless agreed by your health coach. This is to avoid any adverse reactions.
• Please report any concerns about your programme to your health coach for discussion at your next consultation.
Read about the Scope of Practice of a Health Coach here
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Nicola Auckland Photography
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