I am not medically qualified. The information contained in this website is for educational purposes only and I can't accept any liability for its accuracy. You should seek out qualified medical professionals to support you with any health diagnoses, conduct your own research and be sure that anything you do is the right option for your personal circumstances.
All of the information presented on this website is based on my own personal lived experience of long-term illness. I do not claim to be able to cure or treat any medical condition. Any information is for educational and public interest purposes only, and you should work with a qualified medical professional if you have, or believe you have, any medical condition.
Mindfulness cannot diagnose or treat any specific illness, nor do my courses claim to ‘cure’ any chronic illness. Mindfulness is a tool that can be used to help us to live better with chronic illness, and manage the difficult emotions that come with it. It should be used alongside the other holistic and conventional medical support, as recommended by your health professional.
1 in 4 of us will suffer from a mental health challenge at some point in our lives. Mindfulness is a great tool for looking after our mental health. However, it should never be suggested as a substitute treatment to be used in place of therapy and/or medication. If you're working with a therapist/counsellor/GP to manage your mental health - please discuss with them before undertaking any mindfulness practice. If you’re feeling in a place where it’s uncomfortable to be with your thoughts or difficult to be present in the moment, it might be that Mindfulness is not the right tool for you right now, and another tool for self-care might benefit you more.
My courses do not diagnose or treat any chronic illness, and are not a substitute for medical care. You should seek appropriate medical care for your condition and discuss with your doctor before undertaking any of my courses. If you are in any doubt, I am happy to discuss your specific circumstances, if you get in touch
Good nutrition and exercise support the body’s natural defences and resistance to disease. However, no claim can be made about the efficacy of health coaching.
• Health Coach advice will be tailored to support medically diagnosed conditions and/or health concerns agreed and identified by the two parties.
• Health Coaches are not permitted to diagnose or claim to treat medical conditions.
• Health Coach advice is not a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment.
• The client is responsible for contacting their medical doctor or specialist about any health concerns they may have.
• The client is responsible for advising their medical doctor of the heath coach protocol they are following.
• It is important that you tell your Health Coach about any medical diagnosis you have received any prescription medication, natural remedies, and supplements or over the counter medication you are taking as it may affect the health coach programme.
• If you are unclear about any part of your health coaching plan, then you should contact your health coach immediately for clarification. Your Health coach programme will have a time frame and you should not continue with recommendations outside of this unless agreed by your health coach. This is to avoid any adverse reactions.
• Please report any concerns about your programme to your health coach for discussion at your next consultation.
Read about the Scope of Practice of a Health Coach here
Every one is different, and our chronic illness journeys will be different. What helped me may not help you, or be what you need. It is important to do your own research, work with a qualified professional, and above all, listen to your own body.
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